Saturday, September 8, 2012

waddup russia

so i have arrived in russia! well actually it was a few days ago, 
but i'm just now getting around to telling you about it.
probably because it's really exhausting to blog. 
you know, sitting on your bed, having to type all sorts of letters and press all sorts of buttons. 
#first world problems.

 but the good news is that i seriously love it already.
it's amazing living in another country!

here are some brief bullety pointy type highlights and scattered thoughts from the past couple of days,
and then from now on i'll do much better at keeping up to date with things.
[1] overseas flights are especially fantastic when you are sitting next to an israeli man who tells you that since "you speak english so well you should probably teach him the language of love." sorry sir, i'm real busy reading my kindle at the moment.

[2] actually, overseas flights are really confusing to little brains like mine. 
because you're doing all sorts of fancy time traveling things.

[3] utah drivers have nothing on russian drivers.
we almost died twelve or one hundred times on the way home from the airport.

[4] i'm living in an apartment with marci, courtney, and megan.
i'm really excited to be living in an apartment.
minus the fact that we have zero food at the moment.

[5] i only got yelled at twice on day one by angry russians!
the first time was for paying at the grocery store in a large bill,
on a sidenote: these rubles are uber confusing. 
alla (our coordinator) told me that she was saying that i could never come to her register again because she didn't want to give me change.
really lady? it will take you like one second.
shortly after the angry checkout lady i accidentally hopped a blocked off area 
which is normal to do, right? nope. no it is not. then an angry security guard actually cusses you out.

[6] i like riding the metro. 
it just confirms to me that i want to live in a big city someday.
preferably somewhere where i speak the language though.

[7] americans are chubby and lazy.
or maybe it's just me.
these russians are all little skinny's.
probably because they walk everywhere. 
hopefully my body will take note of all of the walking i'm doing.

[8] i am loving the style over here. 
there are some very well dressed people.
like lots of these russian men sure know how to dress well.
and some of them are not even as hideous as everybody made them out to be.

[9] i could take a picture of every building here.
the architecture is beautiful.

and those are my thoughts for now.
i told you they would be scattered. 

and now that i have an exciting life, 
i'll be blogging all sorts of shiz so prepare to feast your eyes kids!

 [view from our apartment]
 [courtney and marci. cooool cats]
 [representing our asian heritage of course]
[rocking the soggy hair look. there's nothing better]

i like this place.



  1. Sydney!! I saw this post up in my newsfeed on facebook and I am so glad I read it. I can't believe you are in Russia!! Seriously I am so happy for you. You are going to have the time of your life!! Please keep posting about your adventures because I am loving this right now. Miss you girl!

  2. And by the way this is Sam Gull ha I don't know why it says my middle name and not my last hahaha :)

  3. YAY finally pics!! Love them girl!!

  4. You are gorgeous! Dont stop taking pictures! Love this!

  5. Oh syd!!! i'm so glad you got this opportunity to do this! keep the posts coming, i love that i can hear your voice when i read them haha :]

  6. That's so awesome for you! how long are you going to be there for?!

  7. Okay gorgeous girl! And AWESOME pics. You are so so amazing! Can't wait to follow you on this adventure. xoxo.
