Tuesday, October 23, 2012

swaaans, swimming down a lake at night

a couple of weekends ago courtney, marci, and i went to swan lake.
we felt real legit seeing an actual russian ballet in actual russia. 
i just felt like penelope from the amanda show: "amanda please".
just a quick 90's flashback for you.

it was a great time to be had by all. plus it inspired us to watch black swan.
there were a lot of tutu's and spinning and a little too much tightness on the junk region.

we may or may not have snuck out just a little bit early.
don't judge us. 
we all lean a little to the ADD side. 
that coupled with our hunger led to us sneaking out the back door.
the workers kept trying to tell us that it wasn't over so i gestured that i had to throw up.
pretty sure that they didn't buy it for one second seeing as how i was laughing as i pointed to my mouth and then back to my stomach repeatedly.

all in all we felt pretty cultured,
even if we did use the "i have to puke" card to ditch out early.



  1. Ohhhhhh you guys. You are a spaz. And remember when you threw up in your purse in my dream? I'm glad you didn't do that at Swan Lake. Nast. Love you girl!

  2. i'm going to europe this summer!! you'll have to tell me which places are the best to visit :)

    andrea brionne
