Thursday, November 22, 2012

because it would be un-american to not do a thanksgiving post

i feel somewhat obligated to do a thanksgiving post,
but mainly i would also feel like a selfish turd if i didn't do a quick list of what i'm thankful for.
i apologize only slightly for the sappiness that is below.

1. experiencing a new culture
it has been such an eye-opening journey to live in a foreign country.
i've done my fair share of moving around throughout my life
but living in a foreign country is an entirely new experience.

2. introspection
i didn't come to russia expecting to do all sorts of self-reflection.
but being here is exactly what i've needed to figure out life, what i believe, and where i stand.

3. skype
because then i can still see people's faces even when they are 5,000+ miles away.

4. great friends
i know so many wonderful people that have influenced my life in so many positive ways.

5. family saved the best for last
i couldn't even think of a proper adjective to put in front of the word family that would adequately sum up how i feel about my family.

i'll break it down in order to try to explain things properly.

dad: one of the hardest workers i know.
i feel like he is always going to school to get more degrees.
and i can't even finish one.
he would seriously go anywhere and do anything to make sure that we are provided for.
he has taught me so much about communication and healthy relationships and all sorts of really important shiz like that.

mom: as cliche as this may sound, she is one of my best friends.
and sadly, i haven't always been able to say that. 
sorry about those devil years of mine mom. oops.
but living at home this past semester was a lot of fun.
she is one of the most kind and charitable people i know and doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
plus she is tiny and adorable.

kels, jord, and bost: sorry guys, i decided to clump you guys all together.
your little family is just the cutest.
i aspire to someday be just like you guys.
bost, you are the cutest little chubbers and you're still my number one.
you have no idea how happy it makes me when you blow me kisses on skype.
and i can't wait to kiss your chubby little face soon!
jord, thank you for treating my sister so well.
i seriously could not have asked for a better brother in law.
i'm glad that we are actual friends.
kels, i don't know what i'd do without you.
like f'reals. you are always there for me to talk to.
you are such a wonderful mom and wife.
someday i will be cute and domestic and all of that like you.
but maybe not quite as tiny. curse you woman. curse you.
thanks to both of you for supporting me in everything.

tanner: such a solid kid.
someday i will be as righteous as him. he is seriously good to his core.
he is one of the most positive and compassionate people i know.
people are drawn to him because of his positivity and also hilariousness.
he seriously cracks me up.
he is one of my greatest examples.

whitty bit: a really fly gurrrl.
and also super solid.
we finally became friends recently.
i mean, we've always been friends. but we became real friends this past little bit.
she is so much fun. i don't think she realizes how fly she is.
i sometimes forget that she is my little sister, i usually just treat her like one of my friends.
she is also hilarious.

actually, know that we mention it, the whole fam damily is pretty funny i think.
maybe more on the slightly special side, but we'll just go with funny.

and also.
i don't know how i ended up with so many solid siblings.
probably the solid parents. i guess that would equate properly.

anyways, i love you guys.
and i'll stop now.

and since i'm in a black and white mood, here you go folks, here you go.



  1. Dear girl,

    Why must you always make me cry?? Curse you and your compliments and my pregnant hormones. Love you girl, and can't wait to see you next month!!

    (p.s. remember when you said "inflection"? That was the best moment)

  2. I love your family! And Syd reading your blog makes me a little sad that I didn't take you up on your offer to go to Russia. You look like you are having the coolest experience, and I'm so glad!
